How are you feeling now that you’ve found out your prospective buyers are more likely to show up with home inspectors before making any offer or close the deal? Nervous? Well, that’s only natural. No homeowner in Houston, Texas will cherish the idea of having a complete stranger poke around their property, trying to look for flaws. But that’s just an example of a compromise you’ll have to make. Think about it this way; it’s the only way your buyer knows they are buying what you describe and the inspector is just doing his or her job.
We Buy Fast Houston Houses will help calm your nerves by sharing with you some of the thing that you ought to know before listing my home. Hopefully, by the time you’re done reading this post, your stress levels will go down a notch.
1) The Home Inspector Will Mostly Perform A “Visual” Check
The operative word in that statement is “mostly.” What does that mean? It means that even though most of the time they only use their eyes to inspect my home in Houston, Texas, there will be instances where they’ll have to try stuff out just to make sure they are working. For example, they have to test your power outlets.
2) No One Expects My House To Be Spotless
Not at all. The only thing that you have to do here is make sure all the areas are accessible. So if there’s a door that you’ve never managed to open hire a contractor to fix it before you list. Your buyer will want to see what’s behind it.
3) Don’t Hover Around
This will only make things a lot awkward for not only you but the home inspector as well. From time to time, you’ll see them crouch down to check something. Don’t put them in a position where they constantly have to ask you to move. Let them do their job by giving them some elbow room.
4) Every Issue That You Try To Cover Up Will Backfire
Oh, you thought you could cut corners with a cosmetic fix? That’s a terrible idea. If you’ve spotted a problem but you don’t have enough money to fix it, just tell the buyer you’re okay selling at a discount. And if the buyer loses interest in my home, reach out to We Buy Fat Houston Houses. We will still have you an all-cash offer.
5) Keep Pets At Bay
Selling my home fast in Houston, Texas, won’t just be stressful to you. Your pet(s) will feel it too. We recommend you ask a friend or family member to take care of it for a couple of hours. And yes, the inspection might last for more than an hour.
These are the five things that We Buy Fast Houston Houses wanted you to know before you list in Texas. If you have an question or if you’re interested in learning more about the home inspection process, you can always reach out to us.